I've had this blog for 5 years (I knew it was a blog because of the name-obvious) and had never really done much more with it than keep a loose, sloppy diary (that's fair). I remember when I had a Journal...so Blogging is an electronic, web enabled, high speed, twitter integrated journal?...I'll stop. Been reading Chris Brogan religiously and have jumped into Darren Rowse's ProBlogger to be part of the community. Like Seth Godin's stuff especially. The style... Yeah, the style. I seem to like this stuff... we built a site CumulusMedical to help people get accurate information about health care reform and give them access to the Microsoft and Google platforms to create on line medical records to help them keep track of things and maybe provide critical information in an emergency.
.. half way through the project we accidentally got locked into an interactive blog/forum concept that we have not found our way out of yet (I hope you'll join us)... but how much can you take in?
I read Guy Kawasaki's commentary on twitter and the like and more is absorbed... here's what I know. I am better informed about the things that matter. I run Google searches on subject that interest me and have a bunch of followers who share my interests thanks to Tweetadder and schedule my posts (which have been reduced dramatically by suggestion - to be more spontaneous - really a natural thing for me) with Oomph . ..I am having fun. Got some affiliates through: 
and now have started another couple of blogs: TechG2
and a brand new day- …time for a change to get a feel for a different format.. and there is that old Opera Blog that needs some soap and water... so on we'll go...all resources appreciated.
Looking at firestart and some other things as well... took the wealthy affiliate course in affiliate marketing and now know someone is making money around here..:).. let's see what happens next... no more mafia sign-ups or get 10,000 followers fast for me... gonna be a blogger.. sorta..here's the pay-off... everyday someone says, "I love your background (or comment or article). You helped me see the world differently"
I played rock 'n roll for a living and stood in line for my fair share of use and abuse, but I had these values that were intuitive and now they form the framework for what I freely express... and only one person so far has invited me to do something that is just not physically possible...Thanks!
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