Wednesday, January 27, 2010

iPad arrives and some thoughts...

So I watched... yup.. Live Blogging from Engadget and the New York Times . Here's the official video from Apple.  ..and I am going to let all the smart guys figure this out... but I'm not buying one... I like my 13-14" dell laptop and I like not having to be concerned with compatibility issues. After a half dozen of cupertino's finest devices (other than my iPhone and Apple TV and a music express system that streams music through the house) I use a PC...I use Quicken and I have been sorely disappointed with nearly every Apple product I've bought (including the iPhone but not AppleTV and the Extreme/Express Music System)... 17" MacBook Pro (loaded) spent weeks getting new parts put in it... Hard drive problems... iPhone battery is slow and so forth.. They command top dollar and the service better be good because you'll need it... But I'm not here to bash them.. I love what Apple does for technology lovers... They energize the on-line community. Steve is cool.. The culture is weird and immature but so what? I know 75 year old Apple fanatics... they love the design and ease of use... they have nothing to compare it will you buy one? Answer here: Mashable.

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