Friday, August 06, 2010

Net Neutrality? Really Now...

As the issue begins to surface again, I'm taken back to my days building the internet (putting the fiber in the ground, switching it and setting up access points for the internet etc..). Let's be realistic.. When Earth-link came to us and said, "we'll take all the bandwidth you can give us from LA to SF and as many local lines as you have anywhere you have them" you don't exactly treat them like the garage down on the corner with 4 lines and no dedicated data links... this is silly. Google and other great users are going to get treated different... the internet is not a "project" anymore. Some great stories in the New York Times and on GigaOm. My have we ever grown up. If you are feeling like you want to tell Google to stop being evil, here's the link to Credo: Click It.